Acoustics is the study of sound. Physics and Engineering are interesting tools and languages to understand, develop and finally to push limits further in that field. Here I present my contribution to meaningful, human related and creative engineering.




Evaluation of a mixed-order planar and periphonic Ambisonics playback implementation

Conference paper for Forum Akustikum by Johannes Käsbach, Sylvain Favrot and Jörg Buchholz 2011, EAA Aalborg

Development and Evaluation of a mixed-order Ambisonics playback system

Master‘s thesis by Johannes Käsbach 2010, DTU Copenhagen

Binaural Listening Demo (comming soon...)

Planning, Realisation and Evaluation of an entire recording process

Study work by Johannes Käsbach 2010, DTU and DKDM Copenhagen

Implementation and analysis of a multi-channel dynamic range compressor

Study work by Johannes Käsbach 2009, DTU Copenhagen


Implementation in Matlab